Thursday, August 2, 2007

Updates on all activities...

No pictures this morning - just a quick update on my activities: bookcases. Well, we're still measuring carefully on that project. I've been practicing using a level and a square. I am also becoming acquainted with bandages. Just a few knicks here and there, nothing to worry about.

Carolyn's Mom (Marianne): She is out of the hospital and doing great. She doesn't want to eat much, but she's doing really wonderful. I had dinner last night with Carolyn, Marianne and Peter Newell (from down the street) at a Cuban restaurant called Pambiche (a bastardization of the name Palm Beach) which was really wonderful.

Peter hangs wallpaper and paints. He's a fair carpenter, as well. We talked shop and I got some good tips from Peter on these bookcases. He's promised to come over and give me a hand if I get stuck.

The problem with the bookcase project is that I don't have the time to do them for any extended period of time; and I don't have a shop area, so I have to work on them outside. It's very dependent on time of day (light) for this project. More later. I've learned a lot about mathematics and precision.

Carolyn is going to Sutherlin this weekend to help her Dad pack things and move to Corvallis, where he is going to be living next door to Carolyn's brother Steve and Steve's family. It will be good for him to have family close by. I'm taking Carolyn back to SeaTac on August 7 (Tuesday) so she can catch her flight home. Alberto and the kids went home last week, so I'm sure Carolyn misses them.

OK - off to work; more later, especially pictures!

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Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway