Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cat Doctor

We have the best veterinarian - and she loves our cat. (Even the dead one) Best of all, her office is less than six blocks from our house.

So when Lucy started throwing up her food every time we fed her, we of course became concerned and immediately took her to see Dr. Rebecca. She was great - she thinks she's reacting to something she's eating. So we have new food for her tonight that shouldn't upset Lucy's tummy so. Lucy needed some shots as well, so David had her done while there. Lucy didn't like the shots much, David reports. I said, worried, "did she bite the vet?" and David assured me that Lucy just gave her a sincere snarl.

But most impressive, Dr. Rebecca kept saying to David (who had the vet duty today) "you two have done a great job of taking care of this cat, bringing her back to health." Rebecca hadn't seen Lucy since we brought her home from the Humane Society, where she was five pounds and really sick.

Three months later, Lucy has gained 3 pounds (she's now an 8 pound cat) and is as feisty as ever. Rebecca says she can't gain much more weight and that 8 pounds is it. So, Lucy is on a maintenance diet and has all her shots. She has resumed her post, as usual, above David's head. Sometimes she reaches down and pats his bald spot. It's heart-warming.


Tricia said...

David and the cat look quite relaxed! I am enjoying your blogging Liz...keep it up. You keep me entertained!

CafeLiz said...

And I enjoy your "Awesome Adventures with...." series. Keep it up! I wish I could go to the Rock 'n D Dude Ranch!

Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway