Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spring Vacation 2007

I'm not much of a picture taker, I spent days in Rome and never snapped one picture of a Roman ruin, some of the world’s first churches or even Vatican City’s Swiss Guards, but this year I did take a couple of noteworthy pictures in Italy which explains my fascination with the country, its heritage (and future!) and what I do while on vacation.

The first picture (above) is of my friends' Italian/American children (from top) Camilla (to bottom) Antonio. They are 8 and 10 years old.

The second picture is what I do in Italy. I play Barbies with Camilla. The picture above is one of our noteworthy Barbies - she (Snowy) was joined later by "Tessa" Barbie (the cardiologist), "Jessica" Barbie (the gymnast) and "Leila" Barbie (the malpractice attorney) and "Mom" Barbie (who was crabby and yelling at us all the time).

Here's the story we were re-enacting: Jessica had a heart attack while doing her high-dive flip gymnastics and had to be rushed to the "hopital" in Cesena where she met with the "expertise" of Tessa, who ripped her heart out, stirred it up in a bowl, and then maimed Jessica for life, prematurely ending her extensive career in acrobatics/gymnastics. Enter Leila the malpractice attorney who has known about Tessa's bad medical behavior because she has other clients laying at her feet who had recently received the same heart-rending (literally) operation.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Snowy, Tessa's twin sister who is oddly enough a Milanese fashion model, had been kidnapped and held hostage with a large ransom being demanded which explains why Tessa wasdistracted while performing the highly delicate heart stirring operation which ended so badly with the maiming of Jessica (and two other dead dollies by Leila's feet). Mom Barbie, and it was unclear whose mother she was during this highly-engaged re-enactment, was angry that Leila and Tessa couldn't seem to keep their space clean and clear of clutter, especially Tessa whose operating theater looked like a trash bin (what with all the legs and arms ripped off of other dollies and scattered about) and smelled like old parmesan (we forgot about the pasta we were supposed to be eating).

Then Mom Barbie saved the day by blurting out: "what do you mean Jessica's maimed for life? Haven't you forgotten about the cure for traumatic heart-stirring operation - you simply jump up and down three times!" And then Jessica was cured, Tessa became a better doctor, Leila collected her contingency fee (and went to Paris to live a happy life), Snowy was released and we all went shopping at Elena Miro (whose website for fashion you can access at

And that's how I spent my spring vacation.


Anonymous said...

Look what I found !

Liz - at first I thought you had your spring vacation pictures in reverse order; but on second glance, the second picture does look like a kid - napping.

And, anyhow, 3rd Law of Spousing commands: Thou shalt not correct.

Tricia said... are bloggin' with the rest of us! How fun! I knew your blog would be many ways. I can read it if I keep "back to Liz"ing. It is great to meet the two little Italians that have captured your heart! Barbies! Who could have known? Where is Ken? Another story for next Spring Vacation I think! Probably need a forensic scientist for that story!
David does exist everyone...I have met him and he is a delightful fellow! Keep blogging!

Ms. Duncan said...

E-beth, What a great opening gambit! I hope you find lots of time to blog. For future posts, how about option (f): healthcare policy? Do Australia and Germany have it right? What did you think of Sicko?

ET said...

Liz, my stepdaughter Meaghan will be spending her junior year of college in Bologna, Italy. She leaves for Italy in August. We're tentatively planning to go to Italy to visit her this coming April. I wonder if I can get her to play Barbie dolls with me? Probably not! However, if I read your scenario to her, she might not be able to resist!

Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway