Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yes, I have a husband....

Some of you are dumbfounded. Liz has a husband??? Yes, he is elusive, but I have one. His name is David Taylor. Sightings of the guy are rare. When I went to look for pictures of him, I had more difficulty than I thought I would.
Note to self: take more pictures of the old man.

We've been married for 10 years. We've learned a lot in 10 years, but I can honestly say: David is my best friend. He's stuck by me when most people would have bolted, run, left no forwarding address. He's a good guy.

1 comment:

ET said...

Hmm.... You need more pictures of David? Since I've known him for a few more years than you have, I bet that I can come up with some good ones from his first childhood. (I'm sure that he is in his second or third childhood now, isn't he???) Of course some of those early childhood photos are apt to be X-rated and unsuitable for publication on a website. I'll have to look around to see what I can find. Stay tuned! Elizabeth (the other Elizabeth in David's life -- his little sister whom David often calls "the Brat"!)

Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway