Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's Hotter than H-E-Double Toothpicks here

Last night I had dinner with Tim Carey (head of the Sheps Center at UNC) and his lovely wife Kathleen. We took a walk through the gardens in the middle of Chapel Hill, eventually strolling down the main street, past the historic and famous Varsity Theater (still showing movies - Sicko is playing there currently - since 1927), to dinner at Top O' The Hill. It was about 140 degrees out and humid, the cicadas roaring their 17 year pleasure at us and the crepe myrtle trees blushing in all shades pink. And if that weren't enough to convince me I was south of the mason dixon line, the lovely cadence of the North Carolinian voices was sure to.

Back to Portland this afternoon to continue on...

1 comment:

ET said...

It was not quite 140 in Denver today. In downtown Denver, the temperature reached 104. However, because of the dry air, it wasn't too bad.... You can keep the humidity.... A bear ripped the window air conditioner out of a neighbor's window recently and then climbed through the window and made himself at home. I guess it's even been too hot for the bears in Colorado recently.

Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway