Friday, July 31, 2009

It was a hottie outside....

This morning when I took the dog out the chill hit me square in the face: only 60 degrees?

The soaring temperatures this week have been hard on our lawn, the park across the street, the hanging baskets and the wildlife outside.

But I have nothing to complain about because I live in air conditioning and have a swimming pool in my backyard. But I had to share the pool with the wildlife as even insects swarmed because they needed cooling off as well.

At OHSU the threat was to campus-wide systems that are responsible for keeping the special research freezers going (many hundreds below zero) and enough power and backup power to keep the hospital beds cool. There were problems yesterday, but they seem to have mostly resolved today.

I would rather have this than snow any day.

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Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway