Friday, February 20, 2009


Last night I came home about 7:00 from a long day of work to greet my lovely family.

My little dog had a slightly swollen face. I asked David about it and he hadn't noticed at all. As I sat there and watched, her face grew in front of me, her nose growing in size by the second. I panicked! I called Dove/Lewis Hospital and they said to bring her in.

Evidently she got into something that disagreed with her. We'll never know what the culprit was, but she was having an acute allergic reaction. They think she either ate/got bit by/or otherwise ingested a spider or ant or some other critter that she wasn't used to and her system reacted. After a bit of benadryl and some steroid, the swelling started to dissipate, but she went to bed last night a little lumpy-jawed. She's just a little swollen this morning, but her appetite has not changed. She chowed down her food this morning like normal. Thanks to the excellent service at the emergency room at Dove/Lewis for taking good care of Fergie!

For a virtual tour of Dove/Lewis, click here

Tree Planting - November 14, 2009 - Omaha Street Parkway